My SECRET weapon to loving my business

business mindset podcast

As a life coach, you didn’t choose this path for spreadsheets, marketing funnels, and endless to-do lists. You chose it to make a real impact—to coach, guide, and transform lives. But let’s be honest, the business side can feel overwhelming. Here’s the good news: what if you could enjoy the process just as much as the coaching itself?


Welcome to the concept of romanticising your business—falling in love with every stage of your journey, from the client consults to those late-night strategy sessions. This mindset shift is not just about positivity; it’s about tapping into a deeper connection with your vision, enjoying the present while building the future.


1. The Power of Noticing the Good: Romanticising Begins Here

How often do we rush past small wins? As coaches, we constantly aim for the next milestone—more clients, bigger launches, or higher revenue. But the key to truly romanticizing your business starts with noticing the good, right here, right now.

Whether it’s a client testimonial, a breakthrough session, or even a particularly productive morning, these moments add up. The more you focus on them, the more magic you'll see in your day-to-day.

Often, in my coaching sessions, I’m reminding my clients to intentionally look for the good: “You have to intentionally and on purpose choose to see what’s working.”

Ask yourself:

· Where are the little wins in my business today?

· How can I celebrate them as if they were big milestones?

When you start doing this, you’ll feel more energy, more drive, and a deeper connection to your work. It’s these small moments of appreciation that fuel the bigger leaps in your business.


2. Choosing Gratitude: The Secret to Long-term Joy in Coaching

Gratitude is more than just a practice—it’s a mindset. In your business, it’s easy to focus on what’s missing: more clients, more money, more time. But gratitude shifts that. It’s about embracing what you already have.

“Gratitude isn’t just a list. It’s an attitude.”

Imagine waking up every day grateful for the opportunity to help others, the ability to create a flexible schedule, or simply the joy of being able to build something meaningful.

As a life coach, think about how lucky you are to be able to guide your clients through transformation. Reflect on these questions:

· What am I grateful for in my business today?

· How can I express that gratitude, both to myself and to others?

This gratitude doesn’t just benefit you. When you’re grateful, your clients feel it. They’re drawn to your energy, and that connection makes your coaching even more powerful.


3. Appreciating the Little Things: Celebrating Every Step

Remember when you got your first client? Or when you launched your first coaching program? Those moments of excitement were huge, right? But over time, we often stop celebrating those “little” wins.

Try and encourage your clients to go back to that initial joy….

“Can we go back to that for a second? Can we appreciate how far we’ve come?”

So, what if you celebrated each step? Whether it’s onboarding a client, writing a blog post, or even organizing your calendar for the week—these are all huge achievements in their own way. Taking time to acknowledge them will shift your energy and reframe your relationship with your business.


4. Embodying Celebration: The Energy of Success

For some, the idea of celebrating every milestone may seem over the top. Try looking at it from another perspective…

Celebration is an energetic shift, not just a party.

It’s about recognizing your progress and embracing that success—whether the external world validates it or not.

When you’re in the energy of celebration, you attract more success. Clients feel it, and opportunities seem to flow your way. This isn’t about being naïve or ignoring challenges; it’s about choosing to stay in the flow, even when things feel tough.

5. Nostalgic Reminiscing: Seeing How Far You’ve Come

There’s something magical about looking back at your journey—remembering where you started and comparing it to where you are now. Maybe you were working a 9-to-5, dreaming of becoming a full-time coach. Maybe you didn’t even know what life coaching was!

Reflecting on your journey isn’t about living in the past; it’s about recognizing the growth that has already happened. I find the stories of my past life in corporate and reminiscing on the simpler days now fuels her appreciation for where I am today. Do this exercise yourself:

· What has your journey been like so far?

· How has your life changed since you began this work?

This nostalgia fuels your forward momentum, giving you energy to keep building.


6. Anticipation: Visualising What’s Next

To romanticize your business, it’s essential to get excited about what’s coming.

Be in anticipation of the magic that’s yet to come!

Whether it’s signing your next client or hitting a revenue goal, anticipate it with excitement. Visualization isn’t just a feel-good exercise; it’s a powerful tool to bring your future closer.

Take time daily to imagine what’s next for your business. Close your eyes and see that full client roster, that successful workshop, or that thriving community. Anticipate it. Feel it.


7. Choosing Happiness: The Final Step

At the end of the day, romanticizing your business means choosing happiness—not when you hit the next big milestone, but right now. It’s our responsibility as life coaches to live a life well-lived.

Happiness isn’t a byproduct of success; it’s the foundation. When you choose to enjoy the process, to find joy in the everyday moments of running your business, you’ll find that success comes more naturally, and the clients you attract will feel that energy too.

Listen to the full episode HERE

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