How to avoid investment overwhelm

business mindset ceo self concept investing thrive
Life coach investing wisely, sat with cat and laptop

I see lots of coaches approaching their business investments as if it's like a medical bill to pay. Not exactly something I got excited about. A cost regardless of how necessary, still a cost. This mindset is costing you money, because when you approach it like this, you entirely miss the ROI and ROE of that energy. 


Listen to the full episode here:

What is Return on Investment (ROI)?

Return on Investment is a way to measure how much money you get back from something you put money into.


What is Return on Energy (ROE)

Return on Energy (RoE) is a way to measure how much energy (by way of skill, healing, growth in the context of coaching) that you get back from something you put money into.


The All You Can Eat Buffet

At the beginning of your coaching business, it's common to be in consumption mode. It's a bit like going to an all you can eat buffet. All-you-can-eat anything and everything related to business and coaching. Free workshops, courses, you name it, you've signed up. Doing so may feel strategic; a way to learn absolutely everything. But let me tell you, that can backfire quickly.


Coaching Courses Overwhelm


When your inbox is overflowing with subscriptions, and you have workshops to catch up on, freebie's to journal on and courses that were discounted from $3999 to just $67 that haven't started it can feel like you're always behind, and that you'll never create the clients and freedom you so desire until you get through it all. 

You've got to be honest with yourself here. Feeling 
overwhelmed with information overload, and guilty about not being able to keep up with it all is what puts you at risk of burning out.

You're here because you want freedom, the freedom to build a business that fits your life, not the other way around. But entrepreneurship can be a 24/7 hustle if you're not careful. And trust me, coach burnout from coach-course consumption is real, especially when you're juggling a nine-to-five and plan to go full-time (read more on that here).

So, how do we avoid the all-you-can-eat trap? By embracing constraint. 


Constraint as a strategy 

 One of my amazing clients recently showed me the power of constraint. She had access to one of my programs as it's included in her 1:1, but she made a strategic choice to step away from it. Why? Because she had other business priorities, and thus she was exercising her constraint to prevent overwhelm and focus on what was necessary. This is true CEO embodiment, something we have worked on together since day 1 of her business.

This is about knowing what matters, your energy, your capacity, and where to focus your efforts. This is what it means to get a return on your investment, not just financially, but energetically too.

So, instead of spreading yourself thin, be a class act. On an all-inclusive vacation, you wouldn't pile your plate with everything in sight, right? You'd savor a curated selection that truly satisfies you. That's the approach you should take with your business investments.


Focus on quality over quantity

Trust yourself and your intuition to know what your business truly needs. Discern what serves you and don't be afraid to say no to the rest. That's CEO embodiment in action.

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How You Can Create Clients And Money The Soul-Led Way, Even If You Have A 9to5 - Without Burnout OR Overwhelm - For Free.

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